One interesting thing about doing some math on stuff in a space of dimensions, is that, in a way (greatly simplified) if we can do something in one dimension, we can do it in two dimensions (or however many dimensions we want). So we will expand our walk, from a path, to a plane.
To do this, we have four text prompts, one for each corner of our square:
Prompt A: "The distant sound of children playing, birds chirping in the canopy, the soft rustle of leaves underfoot."
Prompt B: "The sounds of waves hitting the cliff walls at the beach, as seagulls caw overhead."
Prompt C: "A busy city street with people talking and yelling, cars honking in a traffic jam, and the sounds of construction are in the distance."
Prompt D: "The sound of a parade with a marching band playing a song and people cheering."
We will do a slightly expanded version of what we did last time, except this time we will not create a path but a plane. We will let our little hero move freely now in both the X and Y direction. Below is an interactive example: